Ela Mierzecka-Pain

“Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty,
believe in them and try to follow where they lead”
-Louisa Alcott
Ela is inspired by the idea of enriching and enlightening lives, including her own, with the communication of art.
In our modern day life, it is all too easy to think at times the beauty and goodness of the world has been diminished. But life is what you make it. Ela feels that by putting our attention on the positive aspects of life and strengthening them, we will ensure a better life. Thus, her paintings bring out the inherent richness of the world, combining it with imagination to uplift, inspire and move the feelings of the viewer.
Ela was born and educated in Poland, then England, and for the last 15 years has made Australia home.
Acquiring her Diploma in Design & Photography at Brighton College, England, Ela concentrated on the photographic field, establishing a professional studio and racking up achievements in national competitions.
Currently Ela is most prominent for her painting – having rekindled her passion and ability with the brush – featuring in many group exhibitions from 2007 like:
-Camden Art Show-2 Group exhibitions 2008, 2009.
-Campbeltown Art Center -group exhibition, 2009.
-First solo exhibition, June 2009. Wedderburn, Sydney.
-2010 and 2011 were spent on two trips to Europe and exhibiting in Warsaw (Poland)-Group exhibition and Vienna (Austria)-Solo exhibition.
-Back in Australia- Invites only exhibition Canberra in December 2011.
-Cork Street Gallery-cafe, Gundaroo, Canberra. Solo exhibition. From 7th June 2012.
-ArtHouse Hotel, Dome Room, 275 Pitt Street, Sydney. Solo exhibition. 10 September to 13 October 2012. Meet the artist on 13 September.
-Yarralumla Gallery. Cottage 1, Weston Park Road, Yarralumla, ACT. January 2013.
-ArtHouse Hotel, Verge Room. Solo exhibition
16 September to 9 November, 2013. Opening 18 September.
-Coomba Park, solo exhibition, September 2015.
-Coomba Park, solo exhibition, March, 2016.
-Forster Solo Exhibition July 2018.
-Ela is now a university student and at the same time passionately continuing with her art. This year’s achievements are:
-invited to participate in an entry of a book “Inspiration, contemporary masters of art for the 2016″.