Fine Art for Sale

"Friend or Foe"
Oil painting on framed canvas.
Size: 762 x 1016 mm
Price: Email for details please
This painting portrays the energy of saviour of foe. The impression of two birds over a sea are showing this concept with a creative flair. Vivid colours and bold brush strokes are aiding the strong feeling of energy.

"Butterfly prayer - Do not take my colours away..."
Oil painting on framed canvas.
Size: 91.5 x 37.5mm
Price $ 1,400.00 plus postage.
This painting is an environmental call to stop messing the environment, especially to large corporations that pollute this planet. The colour-less butterflies portray the nature that is suffering.

"Evening glow"
Oil painting on stretched canvas
Price: $ 700.00
This is a very relaxing painting, an impression of evening glow of golden light.

"Everything is energy"
This is an acrylic painting. Depicting the vibrant energy around us.
Painted on stretched canvas. Please enquire about the postage it will depend on the destination.
Price: $1,600.

"Magic hues of nature"
This is an oil painting, lovingly painted with dots of paint, thus it took a long time to complete the image.
Price: $ 2,000.00
Please send an email enquires for postage cost and arrangements.